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With a subaward, a primary grantee assigns part of the work to another institution or individual, and that institution or individual is given some autonomy to make decisions about that part of the project. Subawardees differ from vendors (who are hired to perform a service) and consultants (who advise but do not otherwise perform work on the project).

NOTE on Subawards

Spalding treats subawards to any PI/PD as they do other grants, and thus a subaward to a PI/PD is set up as a grant fund with a project number; follow the steps outlined in this document when preparing a subaward proposal. All subaward budgets must be approved by CFO, or their designated representative.

The lead institution you are working with may have very specific requirements for you and Spalding University during both pre- and post-award stages. Please be in touch with both grants staff in the Office of Advancement and grants accounting staff in the Finance Office for any special assistance you may need with subawards.

If your proposal includes a subaward to another institution, the university requires a letter of intent to enter into a subaward agreement from an authorized official at the subawardee institution, a statement of work, a budget, and a budget justification narrative. The university president, provost, and CFO must approve the subaward.

Complete the Grant Proposal Processing Form for each application or proposal connected to any type of external grant, fellowship, or other award that may be administered by Spalding University, including new proposals, project renewals, and subawards.

Statement of Work

Specify the primary award by name and number, the PI/PD, the subawardee, the proposed start and end dates, and the work that will be performed by the subawardee in support of the project.

Project Budget and Justification

Provide a detailed budget for the work to be completed through the subaward. Possible line items in a subaward budget may include stipendsto the subaward PI/PD(s) and their research assistants (plus annual increases for a multi-year award), required benefits and taxes, equipment, materials and supplies, travel, or any mandatory cost share.

Letters of Commitment

If applicable, the PI/PD should submit a letter of commitment confirming agreement to the statement of work and attesting to their ability to complete the work. An appropriate college official may also need to submit a letter endorsing the subaward proposal.